Bachelor of Arts (Education)

Course Overview

A Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Education is an undergraduate degree program that focuses on preparing students to become teachers or education professionals. The program typically covers a broad range of subjects such as educational psychology, curriculum development, teaching methodologies, educational technology, and classroom management. Students will learn to design and implement lesson plans, evaluate student progress, and effectively communicate with students, parents, and other educators. The program may also include a practical or student teaching experience in a real classroom setting. Graduates of a BA in Education program may find employment in primary or secondary schools, as well as in educational administration or policymaking roles. Additionally, they may choose to pursue further education or certification in a specialized area of teaching, such as special education or English as a second language (ESL) instruction.

Career Prospective

Here are some potential career prospects for graduates with a Bachelor of Arts in Education:

  • Primary or secondary school teacher
  • Curriculum developer or instructional designer
  • Educational researcher or consultant
  • Education policy analyst or advocate
  • Educational program coordinator or administrator
  • Learning and development specialist for organizations or corporations
  • Educational writer or editor for textbooks, educational materials, or online resources
  • Youth development specialist or counsellor
  • Social service worker or community educator
  • Graduate studies in education, including programs leading to teaching certification or a master’s degree in education or related fields.

Overall, a degree in education can lead to a variety of fulfilling and impactful careers in the education and social service sectors, as well as provide a solid foundation for further education and specialization in the field. Graduates with a Bachelor of Arts in Education can work with learners of all ages and backgrounds, helping to shape and improve educational systems and practices.

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Education varies depending on the institution, but typically requires a high school diploma or equivalent.


The duration of a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Education is typically three years, although this may vary depending on the institution and country where the degree is being pursued.
Regular: 3 years
Course: Bachelor of Arts (Education)
Type of Course: Under Graduate Courses
College/Faculty: College of Arts


  1. Fee Concession for Meritorious Students

    Qualifying Percentage

    Rebate in Tuition Fees Only

    85% and Above


    80% – 84%


    75% – 79%


Admission Process

Applicants will have to go through the following process On the basis of performance in the online Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) test of 2 hours duration and personal interview

departmental activities

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